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New Implio feature: Introducing video and audio content moderation capabilities


    Video is quickly becoming a must have for any digital platform that wants to engage users. That’s no different for online marketplaces.

    According to a study by Animoto consumers are 73% more likely to purchase a product or service that’s presented with a video.

    With that in mind it’s not surprising that we’re seeing an increasing number of our clients embracing video as a way to increase conversions and engagement.

    But with the new content type comes new moderation challenges.

    That’s why we at Besedo have been hard at work to ensure that both videos and audio can be managed alongside the traditional content types in Implio.

    As a first step it is now possible to send video and audio through our API. They will await for review in moderation queues as other content pieces, with a response sent back to your servers once moderated.

    How does video and audio moderation in Implio work?

    Like traditional moderation items, you access video and audio content through moderation queues. To help moderators take quicker and more accurate decisions the video and audio clips will be surrounded by all available supporting user and content fields, such as previously-moderated items, geolocation, etc.

    Agents can enlarge the video to better inspect details, and of course mute, pause and seek through the video.

    If the video breaks the rules of the platform, agents can remove it. They can reverse the later in case a mistake was made.

    Video and audio can be moderated as standalone items, or combined with text and images. In the latter case it is possible to refuse a video while accepting everything else or vice versa.

    With the addition of multimedia moderation capabilities, Implio empowers digital platform owners to keep site quality high and their users safe as they embrace video and incorporate the format into their service offering.

    This is Besedo

    Global, full-service leader in content moderation

    We provide automated and manual moderation for online marketplaces, online dating, sharing economy, gaming, communities and social media.

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