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And the Name of Our Content Moderation Tool Is…


    In February we interviewed product owner Olivier Vencencius about the new Besedo content moderation tool.

    When the article was released we were just finalizing the process of naming the tool and our designer was hard at work creating a neat logo to fit the name.

    Everyone knows that product names are important and we have been through 6 different brainstorming sessions, multiple, long email chains and countless of visits to thesaurus.com and wordhippo.com in order to find the right one.

    We wanted our product name to mean something that makes sense for the industry and the purpose of the tool.

    The Process of Finding a Name

    There were multiple candidates on the way, Moderize, Eyeitapp, Clutterowl and Decidopus, but none of them really felt right.

    When Besedo made the decision to develop a moderation tool, it was with the goal to help make the internet a safer place. We wanted to make content moderation accessible and feasible for all sizes of sites regardless of budget and volumes. We wanted to help sites accomplish growth, fulfill the needs of their users and we wanted to offer them a tool that performs beyond their expectations.

    We wanted our product name to reflect these goals. At the same time we also wanted a name that sounds good. The goal was to pick a name that naturally fits into the day to day conversation between the users of the tool.

    But after months we still hadn’t nailed it. We were about to resign ourselves to a mediocre name. But then, a small group spontaneously gathered during a coffee break, and while munching on leftover cake they suddenly had a revelation. From the crumbs of cinnamon buns, like a phoenix, rose the product name that we proudly reveal today.

    Implio! A slight rewording of the Latin word Impleo; to accomplish, fulfill or perform.

    But no product name without a logo.

    We want the logo to embody the multifunctional and modular nature of Implio. The vision for Implio is, that it will be able to solve all moderation needs in one tool. In other words it is going to be a digital Swiss army knife and the logo should reflect this.

    Here is the logo we ended up with:

    All in one content moderation tool - implio logo

    We love it because it is simple, yet has multiple hidden meanings. There is the Swiss army knife, the modules, the i-shape and if you look closely an arrow representing speed and growth.

    Can you find all the hidden meanings in the logo? How do you think we did with the logo and name?

    The launch date for Implio is very near. Sign up to our blog to stay in the loop.

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    This is Besedo

    Global, full-service leader in content moderation

    We provide automated and manual moderation for online marketplaces, online dating, sharing economy, gaming, communities and social media.

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