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Publishing Policy

Besedo is committed to publishing insightful, accurate, and valuable content on topics related to content moderation, trust and safety online, user-generated content, and related fields. This policy outlines the standards and practices we adhere to in creating and sharing content with our audience.

Our mission

We aim to empower business owners, web developers, CTOs, business developers, and professionals in trust and safety roles with knowledge and insights that enhance online interactions and safety. Our content is crafted to support businesses in navigating the complexities of content moderation and online safety.

Content standards


Content is written, edited, and published by our dedicated in-house team, ensuring consistency, quality, and alignment with our mission. Besedo does not allow external contributions or publications, including sponsored content or so-called “link exchange” content, to ensure the integrity and impartiality of our information.

Review process

Our editorial team rigorously reviews content for relevance, clarity, and adherence to our content standards before publication.

Content published on the Besedo website is copyrighted by Besedo. Use of our content without permission is prohibited. Requests for use or citations are welcome and can be directed to our contact page. Use of third-party materials within our content is subject to proper licensing or permission.

Corrections and updates

Besedo commits to promptly correcting any inaccuracies in our content. Readers are encouraged to report potential errors to our editorial team. Feedback from our audience is welcomed and can be sent to us via our contact page.

Diversity and inclusion

We believe diverse perspectives enrich our content. We are committed to diversity in our topics, voices, and the communities we serve.

What do we write about

Our content focuses on the intricacies of content moderation, the importance of trust and safety online, best practices in handling user-generated content, and emerging trends in the digital space that impact businesses and online communities.

Who do we write for

Our primary audience includes business owners, web developers, CTOs, business developers, and professionals working in trust and safety roles. We aim to provide these stakeholders with the knowledge and tools needed to create safe, engaging, and trustworthy online environments.

Why do we write

We write to educate, inform, and inspire action among businesses and professionals tasked with the critical role of maintaining online safety and integrity. Our content supports our mission of creating a safer digital world through effective content moderation and trust and safety practices.

Policy updates

This policy may be updated to reflect changes in our content strategy or in response to feedback. We will notify our readers of significant changes through our website.

Last updated: February 22, 2024