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Optimized site search: the solution to improved online marketplace conversion?


    How can online marketplaces convert more? This question has many answers, but there is one undeniable consequence: if your users can’t find what they are looking for on your online marketplace, your conversion rates will plummet.

    Internal search is a great tool to help users find what they are seeking in your online marketplace. Unfortunately, many sites still implement search as the result of an afterthought rather than establishing it as a pre-requisite for conversion optimization.

    A common mistake – which you might be making on your site – is to hide the search tool behind a magnifying glass in the top right corner, which will undoubtedly be detrimental to your conversion rates. If your users can’t see it, they won’t use it, so why hide it?

    According to Luigi’s Box, site searchers are 70% more likely to buy than non-searchers.

    So, if you make it accessible to your users, imagine what that could mean for your conversion rates?

    But it doesn’t end there.

    In a recent webinar, we invited Michal Barla, Co-Founder and CPO at Luigi’s Box, to break down the steps you need to take if you want to turn your internal search into a powerful conversion tool.

    Get started with our handy checklist about site search, where we take you through the necessary steps to optimize your search experience and convert more

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