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How to Optimize the User Experience on Online Marketplaces


    In 2020, user experience was predicted to overtake price as the key brand differentiator. To achieve great user experience, online marketplaces need to ensure that buyers and sellers alike can easily achieve their objectives when using the site.

    For sellers, that means being able to post their items with ease and speed, avoiding long, complex posting processes with tons of confusing category choices and loads of information to fill out.

    For buyers, it means finding what they are looking for quickly and receiving the item they expect.

    AI is quickly becoming the key ingredient to achieving great user experience for both buyers and sellers alike. In a recent poll we performed, only 25% of respondents used AI for content moderation, and the same percentage used AI to better the search experience. That means that most online marketplaces out there have a huge untapped potential for improving their user experience.

    To get inspiration on how AI can help optimize the user experience on your marketplace, watch our webinar “Find the right thing, get the real thing, where Marko Velic, head of data science at Styria data science, and our CEO Patrik Frisk discuss this topic in-depth.

    Want to know why you should use third-party AI solutions rather than build your own? visit our blog post: why building your own machine learning moderation solution doesn’t make any sense!

    Are you also struggling with fake products? Learn how to build an accurate counterfeit filter with our step-by-step guide. You should also check out How Online Marketplaces Can Fix Bad User Search Experiences and Convert More.

    This is Besedo

    Global, full-service leader in content moderation

    We provide automated and manual moderation for online marketplaces, online dating, sharing economy, gaming, communities and social media.

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