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How Online Marketplaces Can Fix Bad User Search Experiences and Convert More


    Conversions are the holy grail for online marketplaces. Once you have a healthy level of conversions from your listings, you can start the transition from a lead generator to transactional services.  

    To get to the stage of persistent conversions, however, you must ensure high-quality inventory, return visitors and construct a smooth search experience.  

    The latter is especially important, considering that according to the Nielsen Norman Group studies, users will abandon your site within 10 seconds if they don’t find what they are looking for.  

    An Apple Watch on a desk.
    Photo by Tomasz Zagórski on Unsplash

    5 steps to improve inventory quality and increase conversion 

    At Besedo, we have conducted a number of studies on content quality, search experience, and how it correlates to conversion.  

    At the recent Global online classifieds summit in Miami AimGroup CEO Peter Zollman invited us to present our findings to a crowd of 267 online marketplace professionals.  

    The end of our presentation included 5 steps that online marketplaces can take right away to improve their site’s content quality, resulting in better conversion and lower churn.  

    Now we also want to share these actionable insights with all our blog readers. You can watch the entire presentation below.  

    Ready to improve user experience and conversion rates? 

    Get in touch with a content moderation expert and learn how our moderation solutions can help your online marketplace convert better.

    This is Besedo

    Global, full-service leader in content moderation

    We provide automated and manual moderation for online marketplaces, online dating, sharing economy, gaming, communities and social media.

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