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Maßgeschneiderte Lösung

Effiziente KI mit menschlichen Erkenntnissen für skalierbares Wachstum

Ihr Content ist wertvoll, weil er einzigartig ist: Erfüllen Sie seine Anforderungen genau mit einer maßgeschneiderten Content-Moderationslösung, die effiziente KI mit menschlichem Fachwissen kombiniert und über Implio, unsere All-in-One-Moderationsschnittstelle, verwaltet wird.

Photo of a laptop with code on the screen

KI und Automatisierung

Trainieren Sie ein Modell auf der Grundlage der Daten Ihres Unternehmens, um Ihre Nutzererfahrung automatisch mit hoher Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit zu verwalten.

Man in deep thoughts looking at his laptop

Mensch - Handbuch

Hochqualifizierte Experten für die Moderation von Inhalten, die bereit sind, Vertrauen bei Ihren Nutzern aufzubauen.

Photo of a couple of co-workers sitting at their desks


Eine Verwaltungsschnittstelle, die alle Teile der Moderation in einer Ansicht zusammenfasst und den Prozess beschleunigt.

Flexibility when volume changes

High growth businesses can find themselves with a moderation workload that leaves them always playing catch-up and intervening reactively. Get on the front foot with an AI solution that never sleeps and a human team that’s always ready to step in.

Experts with the latest knowledge

Content moderation is a field that changes fast: new threats, new tactics, and new trends emerge every day. Besedo stays ahead of the game through data and research so that you don’t have to, ensuring your moderation stance is always fit for purpose.

Grow with us

As rich, dynamic media becomes the norm, customers are expecting more of user-generated content on every platform they use. We’ll be with you every step of the way, adding features and sharing expertise to keep your growth safe and sustainable.


Tackle illegal items with filters

Imagine you are a marketplace persistently facing listings with illegal items. Here’s how we take you from content-driven risk to content-driven growth.

Discovery and consultancy

Identify and focus on the content you want to be listed

Share data through our API

Share data though our API (built on RESTful)

Partner with a team that works in your interest 24/7

Moderate content in every time zone and in every language

Review and ensure quality

Continuously evolve your strategy as your business grows

Discovery and consultancy

Identify and focus on the content you want to be listed

Share data through our API

Share data though our API (built on RESTful)

Partner with a team that works in your interest 24/7

Moderate content in every time zone and in every language

Review and ensure quality

Continuously evolve your strategy as your business grows

Discovery and consultancy

Identify and focus on the content you want to be listed

Share data through our API

Share data though our API (built on RESTful)

Partner with a team that works in your interest 24/7

Moderate content in every time zone and in every language

Review and ensure quality

Continuously evolve your strategy as your business grows

Discovery and consultancy

Identify and focus on the content you want to be listed

Share data through our API

Share data though our API (built on RESTful)

Partner with a team that works in your interest 24/7

Moderate content in every time zone and in every language

Review and ensure quality

Continuously evolve your strategy as your business grows


Discovery and consultancy

Identify and focus on the content you want to be listed


Share data through our API

Share data though our API (built on RESTful)


Partner with a team that works in your interest 24/7

Moderate content in every time zone and in every language


Review and ensure quality

Continuously evolve your strategy as your business grows

Content-Moderationslösungen für Ihren Bedarf

Mit unseren Lösungen für die Moderation von Inhalten bearbeiten wir alles, von Bildern bis hin zu 1-zu-1-Nachrichten, entweder durch künstliche Intelligenz, menschliche Moderation oder eine Kombination aus beidem. Wir helfen Ihnen, die für Ihre Bedürfnisse am besten geeignete Moderationslösung zu finden.

So funktioniert es

Step 1

Discovery and consultancy

We discuss you needs and challenges and provide you with ideas to streamline and improve your policies.

Step 2

Send data through API

The Besedo API is built on a RESTful architecture which allows easy integration.

Step 3

Content is reviews 24/7

Besedo review your content according to your policies with filter automation, AI, and highly trained human experts.

Step 4

Quality assurance and monthly reports

We deliver a report with actionable insights so you can understand content threats and user behavior better.

Case study Communities and Forums AI & Automation

Case Study: How Anibis improved user experience with AI moderation

Learn how Besedo helped Swiss-based anibis.ch reach 99.8% accuracy, and 94% automation, and improve items moderated from 10% to 100%

Read case study
Anibis case study photo
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Talk to our experts

Find out if Besedo’s customised moderation solution is right for you, get in touch and discover how to:

  • Bring the power of AI into human moderation workflows
  • Integrate moderation with existing workflows
  • Manage your content through a centralised interface