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Über Besedo

Besedo unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Schaffung eines sichereren und besseren Nutzererlebnisses. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Unternehmen, unsere Mission und lernen Sie unser Führungsteam kennen.

Supporting digital businesses with their growth since 2002

The future of online business is user-driven. We partner with our clients to create a safe, trustworthy user experience that drives loyalty and growth. Get the best business advice from the insights we derive from the thousands of posts, images, and videos we moderate each day.

Every year our team conduct

10+ billion

Reviews and moderation of pieces of content

1+ million

Responses to customer support inquiries

60+ million

Blocked attempts of scam and fraudulent content

A full-service moderation partner

With 20 years of experience, our team is genuinely expert in content quality and constantly innovating to meet the needs of new content formats quickly and effectively.

  • We moderate all types of content

    Our team understands what’s coming in our customers’ content moderation needs, from text to images to video.

  • In your markets, in your languages

    Our global team means we can moderate content in 25 languages and support our customers wherever they operate.

  • Combining technology and human moderation

    A powerful combination of AI and manual moderation ensures the quality of your content with the best of both worlds.

  • Our own control panel

    Implio offers an easy-to-use interface whether you are using AI, automated filters, manual, or a combination of the 3.

Trusted by world-class brands building a content-driven future

By improving customer experience, we help digital companies establish loyal user bases that fuel growth. Some of our clients include:

Besedo Numbers


Start of Besedo




Offices globally


Languages spoken

Wir machen das Internet sicherer

Besedo unterstützt digitale Plattformen jeder Größe bei der Moderation von Inhalten. Wir helfen Ihnen, die Qualität der Inhalte und die Nutzererfahrung mit KI und menschlicher Moderation zu verbessern.