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Dynamische Moderationslösung für Wachstum

Nutzen Sie unsere jahrzehntelange Erfahrung, um Ihrer Moderation eine menschliche Note zu verleihen, die sich kontinuierlich verbessert und das Wachstum unterstützt.

Two engineers working together at a desk

Vertrauen der Benutzer aufbauen

Unsere fachkundigen Moderatoren sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Inhalte stets Ihrem Markenversprechen gerecht werden.

Photo of office landscape

Immer eingeschaltet - immer mehrsprachig

Wir bieten kulturelles Feingefühl und muttersprachliche Kenntnisse, und unsere Mitarbeiter sind rund um die Uhr erreichbar.

Photo of a man focused with his headphones on

Verfeinern Sie die Qualität Ihrer Inhalte

Wir prüfen alle Ihre Inhalte und genehmigen oder verweigern sie auf der Grundlage Ihrer detaillierten Richtlinien.

Provide your users with content of the highest quality

  • Improved user experience

    Tackle potential problems before they can impact your userbase with high volume, speed, and scalable moderation.

  • Increased efficiency

    Future proof your business with our moderators that are an extension of your team, not a detached unit.

  • Reduced churn

    A dedicated point of contact provides you with daily updates and immediately alert you when new trends arise.

  • Trust & safety services

    Help improve your customers’ experience, and encourage trust, by removing UGC spam and abusive language.

Integrated workforce

A true partnership approach

We’re a seamless extension of your company. We can work with your existing interface and tools and provide ongoing feedback on trends with full transparency in our service delivery. We’re here to support your development whilst future-proofing your business with sustainable content moderation solutions.

Human moderation

Even more skilled at reading between the lines

High-growth businesses need quality content. Our structured onboarding and battle-tested processes ensure your manual content moderation capacity scales smoothly as volumes increase.

  • Support that speaks the languages you work in
  • Cultural sensitivity and segment-specific awareness
  • Flexible staffing prepared to handle volume spikes
  • Daily support through a direct point of contact
  • And much more, contact us to find out
Customer support

Outsource and extend your team.

Your business comes first. Our agents will be with you every step of the way to champion your customers, while keeping the overall interest of your business in mind to keep your growth safe.

  • Personalised analysis of emerging content trends
  • Support agents with fluency in the languages you need
  • Forward view of future growth needs
  • Daily support through a direct point of contact
  • And much more, contact us to find out

Be the first to know

Beat the competition with the right actionable insights

You can’t influence what you don’t know. We won’t just help you to pinpoint what is working and what isn’t with your user-generated content: we’re here to help you to implement improvements and measure success.


Compare yourself to your biggest competitors

Set yourself up for success by learning how to outperform competitors. Through an independent comparative analysis you get stats, comparative overviews, and your identified opportunities all packaged up and ready to be put into action.

  • Statistical assessment and observations
  • Comparative overview of the assessed marketplaces
  • Top-3 issues impact analysis and behind the scenes cause
  • Statistical comparison of all the deficient reasons
  • And much more, contact us to find out

Get an honest “here and now” snapshot of your site

Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your user-generated content to clarify your focus and obtain the biggest return on investment. Data-led analysis and a clear view of your market to help identify your next big move.

  • Statistical assessment and observations
  • Overview with risk and layer-distribution of content
  • Screenshot samples of four main deficiency reasons
  • Confirmed and unconfirmed fraudulent activity
  • And much more, contact us to find out

More insights

Mystery shopping

Measure quality of service as it happens in the real user’s experience

Filter management

Translate your policies into automatable rules with accuracy and impact.


Uncover common areas of improvement about quality in moderation.


Upskill your in-house team with knowledge from the industry experts.

Moderation interface

Improve the efficiency of your entire content moderation team

Complete content moderation control

Besedo’s manual interface allows moderators to edit content directly within the interface and escalate complex cases to expert agents.

UI optimized for efficient content moderation

Modification to the manual moderation layout allows you to adapt the layout to the most efficient solution for your team.

Relevant data points for quality and efficiency

Access detailed information about automated decisions and provide insights into why an item has been flagged and highlight keywords.

Add data to your decisions

Get insights about end-users and the content they post so that you can make data-driven decisions.

Complete content moderation control

Besedo’s manual interface allows moderators to edit content directly within the interface and escalate complex cases to expert agents.

UI optimized for efficient content moderation

Modification to the manual moderation layout allows you to adapt the layout to the most efficient solution for your team.

Relevant data points for quality and efficiency

Access detailed information about automated decisions and provide insights into why an item has been flagged and highlight keywords.

Add data to your decisions

Get insights about end-users and the content they post so that you can make data-driven decisions.

Complete content moderation control

Besedo’s manual interface allows moderators to edit content directly within the interface and escalate complex cases to expert agents.

UI optimized for efficient content moderation

Modification to the manual moderation layout allows you to adapt the layout to the most efficient solution for your team.

Relevant data points for quality and efficiency

Access detailed information about automated decisions and provide insights into why an item has been flagged and highlight keywords.

Add data to your decisions

Get insights about end-users and the content they post so that you can make data-driven decisions.

Complete content moderation control

Besedo’s manual interface allows moderators to edit content directly within the interface and escalate complex cases to expert agents.

UI optimized for efficient content moderation

Modification to the manual moderation layout allows you to adapt the layout to the most efficient solution for your team.

Relevant data points for quality and efficiency

Access detailed information about automated decisions and provide insights into why an item has been flagged and highlight keywords.

Add data to your decisions

Get insights about end-users and the content they post so that you can make data-driven decisions.


Complete content moderation control

Besedo’s manual interface allows moderators to edit content directly within the interface and escalate complex cases to expert agents.


UI optimized for efficient content moderation

Modification to the manual moderation layout allows you to adapt the layout to the most efficient solution for your team.


Relevant data points for quality and efficiency

Access detailed information about automated decisions and provide insights into why an item has been flagged and highlight keywords.


Add data to your decisions

Get insights about end-users and the content they post so that you can make data-driven decisions.


„Besedo bot eine einfache Lösung, die genau auf unsere Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten war. Wir hätten keine bessere Lösung entwickeln können.“

Jelena Moncilli


„Die Content-Moderation und unser Team für Anzeigenqualität sind das Herzstück unseres Geschäfts. Sie halten die Qualität unseres Marktplatzes am Laufen.“

Tiwa York

By contacting us, you agree to our terms and conditions and that we are allowed to contact you back to follow up with information. No spam, we promise, and we won’t share your email with others.
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Talk to our experts

To find out if Besedo’s AI moderation is right for you, get in touch today and discover how to:
  • Teach an AI to understand your brand’s unique values
  • Integrate automated moderation with existing workflows
  • Simplify the work of consistent content management